Welcome to the Cognitive Medical Technology Laboratory at WPI! Our research is in the application of robotics and machine intelligence to enhance all aspects of medicine, with a special focus on interventional medicine.

Our laboratory is part of PracticePoint, a research center for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems located in the WPI Gateway Campus.

Alex successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled New Miniaturized Wristed Instruments for In-Office Endoscopic Laser Surgery. He is the first PhD graduate of the COMET Lab!

Posted 26 Apr 2024 by Loris

This paper, co-authored by Ethan, Nick, and Loris won the Best Paper Award for Manufacturing Reproducibility at RobotSoft 2024!

Posted 25 Apr 2024 by Loris

Kalina successfully defended his Robotics MS thesis entitled Making Concentric Tube Robots More Accessible: An Open-Source Platform with Easy-to-Source Components and Guided Learning Materials on December 4, 2023.

Chris successfully passed his Robotics MS defense on April 16 with a thesis entitled An Experimental Study of the Mechanical Response of Nylon 12 Tubing: Practical Implications for Use in Concentric Tube Robots.

Congratulations to Kalina and Chris!

Posted 25 Apr 2024 by Loris

Dr. Fichera was invited to give a talk at SPIE Photonics West 2024 in San Francisco, CA. The talk was entitled Robots, lasers, and the quest for incisionless surgery. Watch the recording here.

Posted 01 Jan 2024 by Loris